Gone are the days our kids could play outside

Remember when we used to play outside for hours? Remember walking to school in the morning? Gone are those days! My daughter plays inside because outside isn’t kid friendly anymore. Child hood obesity will continue to rise mainly cuz we fear to let our kids run and play outside like we did.
Children getting kidnapped and killed and most of the time murderers get off.
Trayvon was on his way from the store but because he looked suspicious he was followed and killed. Due to stand your ground laws the murderer gets off. Did he not have the right to stand his ground and fight for his life? I saw someone comment and said “this would never happen to my kids because they wouldn’t be out and they have morals”. Really? So Trayvon died because he lacked morals?
This could have happened to any child white or black. Teens are seldom at home. And any teen in that situation would have run & or fought. Someone follows you in America and you have no right to fight for your life but they have all the rights to bear arms. If that’s not ass backwards I don’t know what is.

I’m all over the place because these are my random thoughts. As a mother I’m angry. I was angry with the Casey Anthony case and I’m angry now because an innocent child got killed and this is affecting the life of children everywhere because justice doesn’t protect them like they should.
If you’re a mother or father and not upset our affected by this…I have no words for you. I pray no other parent has to go through something like this all because of a paranoid idiot.

-who the hell gave a license to someone with a criminal background?

-slices of mango

-Slices of Mango