Don’t Hate the Playa???

Don’t hate the playa, hate the game. I’m sorry I don’t like neither of them. You would think that after the age of 25, that some of these adults would be done with the games. Sadly, there are people way over that age that think playing with people’s hearts is a fun little hobby. Now many folks automatically assume that a playa can only be a man, but contrary to popular beliefs women are playas too. Women have learned the game and are playing men right back. I don’t condone this but it is what it is.

Now, if you find yourself dealing with a playa, you have two options: PLAY ALONG OR MOVE ON!!!

You’ll know when you’re dealing with a playa if you pay close attention to their actions and their words as well. You will see the signs. The main reason people get played is because they choose to ignore the signs. Many of those who get played, have selective vision. Seeing what they wanna see because they really like the playa. Now, if you have selective vision you can always chose to focus on listening. Listen to what the playa says . They will show you through actions or words how serious they are about you.

One of the best moves a playa uses is the BAIT & SWITCH! They bait you then switch up on you after they either get tired of you or get what they wanted.


Guy meets girl. Guy shows a lot of interest in girl. Guy compliments girl a lot. Communication is on going, he never misses a beat when it comes to responding back.  Responses from text message come at a lightening speed.

Phone calls are long and interesting. He ask girl out on a date. Girl agrees.

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Beware:  if he ask you to “Chill” he isn’t thinking about chilling. No matter what he says “chill” is code for extra-sexticular activities. (Yes I made that word up).

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Now you chose to go out on a couple dates and feel as though things are just great between the two of you. You have lots of fun when you hang out. He’s still saying all the sweet things you wanna hear. You’re blinded by his game so much you decide to invite him over to “chill”.



Fast forward a couple of days after the “chill”. You decide to text him since you haven’t really heard from him like you’re used to. He replies vaguely and the responses aren’t coming as quick as before. You call him and invite him over again. He suddenly has no time for you.

Now you’re left wondering what the heck. What did you do wrong? Did he lose interest? Did he meet someone new (more than likely he has already moved on to his next Bait & Switch action)? You began to question everything about yourself when you should be questioning everything about the playa. Think back! Did the playa tell you point blank that they weren’t ready for a relationship? Did the playa tell you they wanted to just be friends and “see where things go”?

-Side Note-

Friends do not have sex with each other. Unless you’re in the market for some FWB (Friends with Benefits), sex should not be included when someone says they wanna be friends. You most definitely do not need sex to see where things are going either. If someone is not feeling you in that way sex will not convince them to be with you. And if they say any of the following proceed with caution if you want:

  1. I wanna take things slow
  2. I just got out of a relationship
  3. I’ve never had a girlfriend/boyfriend
  4. I’m not looking for a relationship
  5. I just wanna be friends and see what happens

Now I’ll conclude and say that not all people who say the above statements are playing games. Sometimes they really wanna go slow, rushing things has never made anything better. Some aren’t over their ex, never had an ex, and some love the single life. What I am saying is if you encounter the above situations proceed with caution. Pay attention to what is being said. Don’t get your feelings hurt when you were warned beforehand. Don’t get baited! Don’t get played!images (7)

-Play on or Move on!!!

-Slices of Mango